Over the years I have become used to a lot of instances where people closed to me just come and go. When all of my closest friends embrace the new chapter of their lives in marriage, what mostly transpire after is that they lose touch with me for years. Sometimes i wonder if being single only means that i have to feel even more alone and friendless. But I realize that there's more to life than by just being a friend. While I marvel still on the road less traveled, I remain hopeful that someday soon, good old friends will still remember. Oh, well, this is not about me having my own sentiment against them for not remembering, this is about another one great realization that this is the time when I have to be even more welcoming and doubly a best friend to them than the yesteryears.
On the eve of Christmas day when silence dropped and everybody home was already asleep, I sat quietly in front of the t.v screen while still groping for my yawning time. After a couple of minutes, the beeping of my phone brought me almost 15 years back to the time when Ingrid and I became the best of friends. Her message went this way, "It's so tiring and hard to live with the in-laws. Help me ev pray to win the lottery so that my husband and I can buy a house of our own. I will also buy one for you!". I replied, "OK, then..we'll pray for that. And I will not delete this msg. in my inbox so that if by luck you'll win, you owe me a promise that you'll buy a house for me too!ahaha!". I managed to lighten a conversation from her vantage. I already sensed that we'll go serious and somehow it would be easy for her to deal with things.
After awhile, found myself already stuck over our longest conversation ever on the phone after losing touch for years. She then started sharing me the hard buttons they had to hit in their married life: Dealing with her aging in-laws, the suggestions and favors she made that her husband had to reject and the boredom she feels with each passing day. I felt like she was into a marriage counseling with me at that moment. I asked her how long they've been married and she said it's been three years. They have two kids already and have no choice but leave them under a "yaya's" care during working days. I asked if they still go out on a date as couple. She said, just seldom but when they go out, her husband would always be in a hurry thinking of the kids back home. I asked if her husband is still the romantic type but there was silence on the other line. In my mind, three years is too early for them to lose that romance. However, three years is too young for every married couple to be able to say that they've overcome the challenges of time. I know they still have a long way to go.
Talking about romance in marriage is a lot different from talking about commitment. When two people in love only think of the romance as one thing that tied them in marriage, then I guess that sounds fleeting. But when couple start to think of "commitment", well then that sounds lasting. Perhaps, just perhaps, this is one reason why there are a lot of divorce cases, broken marriages and even broken relationships around us. Because most often we mistake a relationship to be only circling round on the feeling of being in love and forget that aside from that, there is one very important thing that will hold you both together in order not to give up and it's commitment. However, I guess to make a relationship really last means working on both romance and commitment together to achieve that balance and happiness. They say it's easy to give advice when you're not in these people's shoe. And so I wonder how will i be if one day soon, I'll find myself in the same shoe.:D
Well, if you have God as the center of your relationship, then I think you two will never go wrong. That conversation may not be enough to teach us about what life is really all about and how to really get over with the test of time in marriage. But one thing for sure: We're both glad that after so many years, we have relived the friendship just in time for Christmas day :)
"Whether you choose one direction from the other,just go on.There will still be an answer for your quest in life in both opposite ends."
Wish list..
I am not used to making wish list each Christmas. I have learned to count my blessings in every simple and little details of my life. I guess it's really true that "happiness is a decision". I may not be rich in material things..may not have everything I desire as a person but learning to be happy and thankful with what is already given to me is another thing. At times we clamor for things that we so want for an answer right away. When it seems like God owe us these favors than us owing everything we already have to Him. Just one thing that I've come to realize in life.."to be happy for myself so that i can in turn affect others and share the happiness to those who need it." There are no schools for learning what a true happiness is..nor self-help book to assure people that they'll learn to be happy after reading from cover to pages. ONly our own self can lead us to where we wanna be in life and only then too can we lead people with us. We cannot give happiness to others unless we learn to do it our way to affect people. True that there is a time to feel the sad realities in life, we cry at it for a moment. But life will never lead back. We too have to help our self detach from the unhappiness so that life will not lose its meaning. As one saying goes that " the richest people on earth are those who need the least in life and not those who need the most. "
And my wish list.."just a peace of mind for everyone of us".
God bless us all!
God bless us all!
Now Christmas trees are tall..
bird's-eye -view

so far yet so near..
how come new technology even keeps us apart? i just thought of the friends and relatives. just when i thought we could easily reach each other now through the aid of new tech (to at least stay in touch out of busyness) but it feels like things are on the other way around. we even hardly able to catch each other or schedule a get-together. i guess i just have to admit the fact that in this present time, gadgets have become people's substitute already to having an even personal encounter with people close to them. however, it's ironic that we have become even adept to keeping the distance..somehow i'm afraid that what we're actually building are fences instead of bridges. and perhaps i should have been even more afraid to realize that no one realizes that.
well, just a thought..it's late, gotta sleep.
well, just a thought..it's late, gotta sleep.
the Uninvited...
One time, a wedding banquet was held in a small town otherwise known as a "barrio". Family members, relatives and close friends were especially present as the important guests . But when it was already time to eat, they were surprised to have seen so many uninvited ones also dining with them. In spite of that, the food being served was good enough to feed everybody including the unexpected ones. However, the hosts still couldn't help but vehemently react against the uninvited after the occasion. They murmured, grumbled and despised over their presence.
Living in a barrio like in the Philippines, it normally occurs (so far in my personal observation) that even the uninvited ones would come and eat too every time a special event is being held . But since they are not expected as part of the celebration, they are tagged as "gatecrashers". In so many instances in my life when I'd been a witness of different kinds of events, so far, I often see the hosts not really having welcoming outlook over the uninvited ones other than feeling indignant of them.
Going back to our Christian faith, I wonder if this is how we are taught about our values towards people especially when we know for a fact that the uninvited ones are those that could hardly get a complete meal in a day or even rarely to eat delicious foods. They're the poor ones in our community. Within our churches, we feel like its such a wonderful attributes to be able to show generosity, kindness and compassion towards our neighbor. But it's so sad to realize that these attributions are only within our thoughts but not in our actions and motives. Sometimes our understanding and concern only limit to our family circle and close friends and only them can too benefit what we have. At times, I cower over the thought that I too may have been guilty over that fact. And that the question I have in mind for others may likely be the question I would want to raise for myself. But God didn't say, "Love your family and friends as your self". He said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself".
Looking back to the wedding banquet, I remember my grandfather when he was still alive. And that each time his children (my aunts & uncles) would complain about their neighbors who shamelessly dined with them even when they're uninvited during special occasions, he would simply say,"ok lang na, nakakaon man tanan..(that's ok, as long as everybody has eaten)".
Living in a barrio like in the Philippines, it normally occurs (so far in my personal observation) that even the uninvited ones would come and eat too every time a special event is being held . But since they are not expected as part of the celebration, they are tagged as "gatecrashers". In so many instances in my life when I'd been a witness of different kinds of events, so far, I often see the hosts not really having welcoming outlook over the uninvited ones other than feeling indignant of them.
Going back to our Christian faith, I wonder if this is how we are taught about our values towards people especially when we know for a fact that the uninvited ones are those that could hardly get a complete meal in a day or even rarely to eat delicious foods. They're the poor ones in our community. Within our churches, we feel like its such a wonderful attributes to be able to show generosity, kindness and compassion towards our neighbor. But it's so sad to realize that these attributions are only within our thoughts but not in our actions and motives. Sometimes our understanding and concern only limit to our family circle and close friends and only them can too benefit what we have. At times, I cower over the thought that I too may have been guilty over that fact. And that the question I have in mind for others may likely be the question I would want to raise for myself. But God didn't say, "Love your family and friends as your self". He said, "Love your neighbor as you love yourself".
Looking back to the wedding banquet, I remember my grandfather when he was still alive. And that each time his children (my aunts & uncles) would complain about their neighbors who shamelessly dined with them even when they're uninvited during special occasions, he would simply say,"ok lang na, nakakaon man tanan..(that's ok, as long as everybody has eaten)".
they bond..
they flock
Caught this flock of birds from where I sat for a long thought out of a lazy day. I wonder what's their agenda :-) For sure after they gather, they'll go separate ways to look for food and a new nest to stay.
"And I wonder if they feel anxious too like people... for fear of not knowing where they're heading."
Her countdown..
I wonder if America is now excited to see who will next reign her. Will it be Obama or McCain? So far, I have not heard of a very good governance, not even to my very own country. No matter what, there will always be antagonistic of it. When Bush rules, some say, somehow it made the economy went up at least within his tenure..and yet, it's still sad to realize that a lot of his countrymen still mocked him before he leaves his office. Perhaps due to the present downfall of America's economy or could be something else I am just unaware of. And I felt sorry for Mr. Bush, to most people's rating, he still ended up as a failure.
Now, supporters from both presidential candidates hailed their bet as if he can change the face of the earth or at least make a difference from the past presidents. We praise our candidates today and in the future we'll learn to hate them. All elections in my own viewpoint do not actually make any difference at all, whether it's happening in the Philippines or in some part of the world. As America makes her election countdown now, I can only wish her God bless and good luck for the next leader.
Well, I wish I can make my own countdown too for GMA to step down from the office (pero murag dugay pa..mas mo-mahal pa ang bugas!~haysstt).
Now, supporters from both presidential candidates hailed their bet as if he can change the face of the earth or at least make a difference from the past presidents. We praise our candidates today and in the future we'll learn to hate them. All elections in my own viewpoint do not actually make any difference at all, whether it's happening in the Philippines or in some part of the world. As America makes her election countdown now, I can only wish her God bless and good luck for the next leader.
Well, I wish I can make my own countdown too for GMA to step down from the office (pero murag dugay pa..mas mo-mahal pa ang bugas!~haysstt).
Home again...
While Arnel Pineda made it phenomenal in his "The Journey" in the international scene (wow!i love his voice!) , I , on the other way around put my "The Journey" into the backseat.
Anyway, I miss this but most of all, I miss my blogmates. Well, I never wanna get used to missing people nor some people missing me. huh! At last am home again! Mari asked me once if this is already me signing on..back to being a frustrated guidance counselor, writer, sojourner, and etc. here. During those times when I signed off were the times I had to choose between career and pleasure. Well, I could work on both but for that matter, I had to prioritize one. I only wish it were really a fruitful journey back to my private world.
"Life is like that. There is a time to speak and a time to listen. A time to air your voice and a time to be quiet . A time to work and a time to play. A time to let things penetrate you and feel them but there must also be a time to detach and move on. "Tuesdays with Morrie" taught me all these."
For now I just wanna thank God.. am home again.
Anyway, I miss this but most of all, I miss my blogmates. Well, I never wanna get used to missing people nor some people missing me. huh! At last am home again! Mari asked me once if this is already me signing on..back to being a frustrated guidance counselor, writer, sojourner, and etc. here. During those times when I signed off were the times I had to choose between career and pleasure. Well, I could work on both but for that matter, I had to prioritize one. I only wish it were really a fruitful journey back to my private world.
"Life is like that. There is a time to speak and a time to listen. A time to air your voice and a time to be quiet . A time to work and a time to play. A time to let things penetrate you and feel them but there must also be a time to detach and move on. "Tuesdays with Morrie" taught me all these."
For now I just wanna thank God.. am home again.
Noel Cabangon's song seems to depict childhood days when there was an airing contentment of life as being simple. The unwavering memories of classic that seemed to withstand the test of time. Now, we will no longer see those innocence.They have already flapped their wings and wandered from place to place to find meaning in existence. I like this song :-)
Beating the odd..
I remember when he was still a preschooler. We would take turn in sending him to his class that would take 3 to 4hrs. everyday and you just couldn't leave his side because he was always afraid. So long as you're not far from his sight..being new in the kind of environment, seemed to me that we were his only security. Later then, he learned to be independent already able to adjust. Surprisingly, he excelled in his class performances. He was always his kindergarten school's pride for being the "Best Orator".
Entering grade school has elevated him from being the cream of the crop. Also active in his extra-curricular activities, there were times when I would laugh at his idea that he even auditioned for the school singing club. Though I know, he doesn't have that much talent in singing, he would even tell me that he despised the fact that he didn't pass the audition.(haha!)
His enthusiasm in almost everything would sometimes grow me envious of him. But inspite of his strong interest in leadership, he never fails to excel in one thing. Being a Math wizard, he won countless of Math Quiz Bowl regional competition. Though enrolled only in a public school, he proved to us that he can beat the odd by being a 2nd placer in the entire Davao region during his Math quiz bee regional competition...beating those that came from exclusive schools or big universities.
That's my nephew's story and am still hoping to hear more of his achievements. If only my brother were still alive, he could have been one of the proud dads in the world (though I know he's proudly watching over from heaven). He lost his father when he was seven. To be in one with him, I know he's every family's pride.
Entering grade school has elevated him from being the cream of the crop. Also active in his extra-curricular activities, there were times when I would laugh at his idea that he even auditioned for the school singing club. Though I know, he doesn't have that much talent in singing, he would even tell me that he despised the fact that he didn't pass the audition.(haha!)
His enthusiasm in almost everything would sometimes grow me envious of him. But inspite of his strong interest in leadership, he never fails to excel in one thing. Being a Math wizard, he won countless of Math Quiz Bowl regional competition. Though enrolled only in a public school, he proved to us that he can beat the odd by being a 2nd placer in the entire Davao region during his Math quiz bee regional competition...beating those that came from exclusive schools or big universities.
That's my nephew's story and am still hoping to hear more of his achievements. If only my brother were still alive, he could have been one of the proud dads in the world (though I know he's proudly watching over from heaven). He lost his father when he was seven. To be in one with him, I know he's every family's pride.
The journey is signing off..
Having been able to share my personal views and opinions online from year2005 to present and to have posted a few about life's tossing and turning milestone, it would be an understatement to say that I have not enjoyed this contemplation.And whether we all come from different cultural backgrounds and beliefs, the technology of today have us together still in one common goal--to be in one with our freedom of expression. In the context of it all, I know somehow there is truthfulness in a saying that "words are still mightier than swords."
However, my views here have reached to its utmost, I believe, and so it would be redundant to say more when I know I've said much. Yet, I will still hold true to the song that goes, "goodbye doesn't mean forever". I will share more about the "what-have-beens" of this wonderful journey... someday soon .We just have to enjoy life to its fullest.. for we shall never pass this way again. Words are not enough to thank you fellow bloggers but may God continue to bless all our endeavors a hundredfold!
This is "ev" in this journey..now signing off.:)
However, my views here have reached to its utmost, I believe, and so it would be redundant to say more when I know I've said much. Yet, I will still hold true to the song that goes, "goodbye doesn't mean forever". I will share more about the "what-have-beens" of this wonderful journey... someday soon .We just have to enjoy life to its fullest.. for we shall never pass this way again. Words are not enough to thank you fellow bloggers but may God continue to bless all our endeavors a hundredfold!
This is "ev" in this journey..now signing off.:)
"I dedicate this free verse to the Filipino seafarers who were victims of the ruthless typhoon Frank..."

Kasabay ng malalaking hampas ng mga alon,
kelangan niyang marating kung saan naroroon
ang ikabubuhay nya sa kanyang pamilya.
Ang mga isdang sanay huwag maging mailap,
sa kanyang paghahanap sa gitna ng panganib
na maaring nakaamba sa gabing tahimik.
Habang sa kalagitnaan ng gabi ay naghihintay,
ang asawa't mga anak sa kanyang pagbabalik.
Kaba sa dibdib di halos maalis,
sapagka't ang kabiyak at amang dakila
ay nasa laot na ang hamog at lamig di alintana.
Ang bangkang kasa-kasama sa lahat ng panahon...
sagwan ng buhay kelangan makiayon.
Ang pangakong babalik sa kanyang mag-iina
ngiti sa mukha dala ang pag-asa.
Kaba sa dibdib ng kabiyak ay naibsan...
abot-tanaw nya ang asawang paparating,
dala-dalay buhay at biyaya ng Poong maawain.
Kasabay ng malalaking hampas ng mga alon,
kelangan niyang marating kung saan naroroon
ang ikabubuhay nya sa kanyang pamilya.
Ang mga isdang sanay huwag maging mailap,
sa kanyang paghahanap sa gitna ng panganib
na maaring nakaamba sa gabing tahimik.
Habang sa kalagitnaan ng gabi ay naghihintay,
ang asawa't mga anak sa kanyang pagbabalik.
Kaba sa dibdib di halos maalis,
sapagka't ang kabiyak at amang dakila
ay nasa laot na ang hamog at lamig di alintana.
Ang bangkang kasa-kasama sa lahat ng panahon...
sagwan ng buhay kelangan makiayon.
Ang pangakong babalik sa kanyang mag-iina
ngiti sa mukha dala ang pag-asa.
Kaba sa dibdib ng kabiyak ay naibsan...
abot-tanaw nya ang asawang paparating,
dala-dalay buhay at biyaya ng Poong maawain.
True friends...
Thanks for this one..
A big thanks to Midas for this award.
This award was created originally by Arte y Pico and to be given to bloggers who inspire others with their creativity and their talents, also for contributing to the blogging world in whatever medium. When you receive this award it is considered a "special honor". Once you have received this award, you are to pass it on to 5 others."What a wonderful way to show some love and appreciation to your fellow bloggers!
Am passing this on to Gladz, Bes, Joan, Mari and Nance. They simply shine!!;)
I am very honored...

Am passing this on to Gladz, Bes, Joan, Mari and Nance. They simply shine!!;)
the vineyard

"Let us go out early to the vineyards and see whether the vines
have budded, whether the grape blossoms have opened, and whether
the pomegranates are in bloom. There I will give you my love."
(Song of Solomon)
the sorrow of my nation...
While we have not yet overcome from the struggle we have to face over the high prices of the basic commodities and the problem on rice shortage, typhoon "Frank" relentlessly hit our country leaving so many lives go wasted. Though its saddening to recount the crisis that we are now going through, I hope and pray that we remain strong still.
Watching over national television the damages that the typhoon left to us, while the capsized ship of the Sulpicio lines brought too much anguish and sorrow to the affected families...I wish we could do more than protesting and grumbling against who's to blame. I just want to reiterate that Sulpicio lines' money can never repay the lives that were risked and lost due to their selfish aim to profit. We're not talking in this case of mere mammals drowning in the flood but we're talking here of human lives! We mourn with the rest of our countrymen.
May we continue to pray for all the victims and for their loved ones that they'd left behind.
Watching over national television the damages that the typhoon left to us, while the capsized ship of the Sulpicio lines brought too much anguish and sorrow to the affected families...I wish we could do more than protesting and grumbling against who's to blame. I just want to reiterate that Sulpicio lines' money can never repay the lives that were risked and lost due to their selfish aim to profit. We're not talking in this case of mere mammals drowning in the flood but we're talking here of human lives! We mourn with the rest of our countrymen.
May we continue to pray for all the victims and for their loved ones that they'd left behind.
the secret garden

"if God takes care of the birds in the sky seemingly
with nowhere to go,
then it's never impossible that God will take care
of His human creations too..."

What made me laugh is the thought that I would see the young man's humor in his creative portfolio with the way he reacted on things and situations.
His wit and creativity helped me decide to give his work an "A+" grade. (just click photos for clear view)

With very less expense, he was able to make his project not only memorable to him but very inspiring to his readers.
Indeed, an old cliche makes sense that, "poverty is not a hindrance to success."
Look of the year

Are you the one? Be a model. Be one with the search for Look of the year!If you are a young and vibrant looking lady who is ever confident in joining beauty contest, then you are now halfway close to your dream as lookoftheyear.com opens its door for you.
Look of the Year is looking for people from all over the world to send in their best pictures so use this chance to be the next model working in Paris, New York or Milan. Join now and be the "Look of the Year" with many other younger-looking beautiful women around the globe!

I so love this poem...
DesiderataGo placidly amid the noise and the haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible, without surrender,
be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
and listen to others,
even to the dull and the ignorant;
they too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons;
they are vexatious to the spirit.
If you compare yourself with others,
you may become vain or bitter,
for always there will be greater and lesser persons than yourself.
Enjoy your achievements as well as your plans.
Keep interested in your own career, however humble;
it is a real possession in the changing fortunes of time.
Exercise caution in your business affairs,
for the world is full of trickery.
But let this not blind you to what virtue there is;
many persons strive for high ideals,
and everywhere life is full of heroism.
Be yourself. Especially do not feign affection.
Neither be cynical about love,
for in the face of all aridity and disenchantment,
it is as perennial as the grass.
Take kindly the counsel of the years,
gracefully surrendering the things of youth.
Nurture strength of spirit to shield you in sudden misfortune.
But do not distress yourself with dark imaginings.
Many fears are born of fatigue and loneliness.
Beyond a wholesome discipline,
be gentle with yourself.
You are a child of the universe
no less than the trees and the stars;
you have a right to be here.
And whether or not it is clear to you,
no doubt the universe is unfolding as it should.
Therefore be at peace with God,
whatever you conceive Him to be.
And whatever your labors and aspirations,
in the noisy confusion of life,
keep peace in your soul.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
it is still a beautiful world.
Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
by Max Ehrmann
a mission...
"Nothing is greater than the heart of a volunteer..."
Three years had passed when I took part as a volunteer-teacher in one of the non-government organizations in Davao. That didn't take me too long to stay however then for I had difficulty in including the schedule as a volunteer in my workload for my whole already stressful day.Though I was happy with my paid job, I knew then that I would be even more a fulfilled individual had I only continued to work as a volunteer.
For quite sometimes in my moment of recollection, esp. when I see children just loitering along the street wearing ragged clothes and worn-out slippers, I remember "Mario". He's just like any other helpless streetchildren that I came to encounter during my volunteer. Mario, a 9-year-old who didn't ever want to write. No matter how much we'd try to have him hold a pencil and handed him a piece of paper, he would refuse to follow unlike other children in the foundation. He was timid but it seemed to me that there surge something furious in his eyes. If it was madness I don't know. In my mind, I know Mario needs more than learning to write his name or reading the Alphabet. Later then, I found out that he hated his own father. After which , I haven't heard of Mario at all.
I am blessed I know..if not for money then of having supportive parents and a complete education. If I would count my blessings then it's so overlwhelming to realize that I have what I wanted to enjoy yet it would be sad to realize when there are people like "Mario" who has very less. I know there are a lot like "Mario" in the world today. We may put the blame on the parents or on poverty but still one thing for sure, in my mind...what good I could have done if I only stayed at the foundation. I know deep inside that there is always a way to help...to be a volunteer. But if we will not start it now for our personal obligations are first in a row...then "when"?
The world needs us today. Let's volunteer.
some say that, "it is an insult to the government when its country is already facing scarcity..." and its true.
people are already falling in line para lang makabili ng isa hangga't dalawang kilo lang ng bigas para lahat maka-avail. eh paano na yung may malaking pamilya? rice has been our staple food. kapag nakikita nating kamote at saging nalang ang nasa hapag-kainan natin aba eh talagang hirap na hirap na talaga tayo nyan. this is no longer a simple case of poverty. the scarcity that we are facing is already alarming.
rice shortage ang bansa natin ngayon. paano naman tayo sa mga darating na bukas kung hindi eto maresolba? tiyak in deep skilled workers shortage na tayo..as in "brain drain"...kasi lahat gusto nang magtrabaho abroad..di na uso ang patriotism. aanhin mo nga naman yun kong kumakalam na sikmura mo at ng pamilya mo.
naisip kolang..at pwede narin siguro maitanong .."may i know what's our government's plan?" gusto ko yung "specific"...yung masasabi kong, "ahhh...nag-iisip pala talaga sila."
people are already falling in line para lang makabili ng isa hangga't dalawang kilo lang ng bigas para lahat maka-avail. eh paano na yung may malaking pamilya? rice has been our staple food. kapag nakikita nating kamote at saging nalang ang nasa hapag-kainan natin aba eh talagang hirap na hirap na talaga tayo nyan. this is no longer a simple case of poverty. the scarcity that we are facing is already alarming.
rice shortage ang bansa natin ngayon. paano naman tayo sa mga darating na bukas kung hindi eto maresolba? tiyak in deep skilled workers shortage na tayo..as in "brain drain"...kasi lahat gusto nang magtrabaho abroad..di na uso ang patriotism. aanhin mo nga naman yun kong kumakalam na sikmura mo at ng pamilya mo.
naisip kolang..at pwede narin siguro maitanong .."may i know what's our government's plan?" gusto ko yung "specific"...yung masasabi kong, "ahhh...nag-iisip pala talaga sila."
She's in pain...
Our Lady of Lourdes
About two weeks had passed when a news broke on local television about the image of Our Lady of Lourdes ( picture above), that can be found at my grandparents' hometown ( in Samal Island) , cried blood. Some who have very little faith and do not believe in miracles being performed by Mama Mary may have strong disbelief that in this present time, things like this are still happening. While most devote Catholics went there for a prayer vigil offering flowers and their in individual prayers and petitions.
Many stories were told right after the incident. There were some who even experienced very sad dilemmas after uttering bad words of disbelief. (Well if you don't believe in miracles, that would be up to you. But you can spare from saying anything bad against it..) One doctor came to test the blood but there was no finding because according to those who have witnessed, the blood wouldn't penetrate or even stain into the cotton no matter how much he'd tried.
As we went there in Samal Island on the exact occasion too of my lola's death anniversary last Friday, I went to visit Her grotto to witness myself. I was in mixed emotion and felt so speechless to have seen the stain of blood that remains in Her cheeks and hands. I have not seen such instance in all my life! I don't know.. but to me even when I know that everyday is actually a miracle, in my heart I know she's deeply in pain. Was that miracle a call for total conversion? yeah, sure...looking around in our society nowadays, of the so many social issues, hurts,injustices, moral degeneration and all, its actually not an impossible thing that the Mother Mary will shed a tear.
During my three days stay there, I noticed that on my second visit, the blood on her left cheek disappeared but on my third times before we went back to Davao, as we dropped by to light candles and offer a prayer, I noticed the blood stain again in Her both cheeks..and it seems to me that the blood continues to flow still. Do you believe in miracle? Well, I do.
Thanks a lot....
Aside from the fact that this letter
stands for my name Ev!:D,
I say, "a big thanks to Ash
for passing this on me!"
stands for my name Ev!:D,
I say, "a big thanks to Ash
for passing this on me!"
Walking along downtown area, a group of students was marching front of me. I couldn't help but laugh reading this ribbon neatly pinned on the back of this young lady..
Well, this is kinda new to me... and I wonder if I could get one if i would go back to the time when i was still a student.. at least i get one recognition at the end of the school year!;op
never thought that there is actually one..hehe (lingawa oi!)

never thought that there is actually one..hehe (lingawa oi!)
A new wave is coming your way as you blog and record your personal experiences. Bloggerwave will give you opportunity to earn and make money virtually. It is aiming to be Europe's biggest advertising media on blogs.The Blogosphere is no longer just a personal record of individual's daily experiences, but it has become a a space to earn while blogging. Bloggerwave will offer unlimited opportunities if for the time being, you will just grab the chances it offers and have it make its very own wave in blogworld!
And so make wave now for Bloggerwave and be a big part of it!
And so make wave now for Bloggerwave and be a big part of it!

In thy prayer...
First lesson...
Ash' post got me mesmerized. Brought me back to old memory as a child. I remember my first lesson in biking. Yep, I was once a trying hard little creature, really wanting to learn how to ride a bicycle. And because I really wanna learn, it took me to get wounds and bruises down to my knees. But i don't care at all. Childhood friends laughed at me because i drove so lousily, when my bicycle would crisscrossed down the alley. But I never stopped practicing ..it was like a childhood dream..a simple dream..until I learned. And it was a wonderful feeling. I realized that it's just a matter of guts..of real determination.
Life is all about the first lessons. When learning cannot just be done overnight. When we have to get wounds and bruises...learning the hard way. Even going through trial and error thing. The sad realization is that there were more errors though than the right ones. Maybe because in life, though we cannot really plan things the way we want them, we eventually learn by mistake.. by wrong moves..wrong decisions. Most of my first lessons taught me a lot about life. They were all like big bloopers on a big screen. But then, perhaps if not for those mistakes, I will not learn from life.
Well, i guess it was not a mistake after all.
Life is all about the first lessons. When learning cannot just be done overnight. When we have to get wounds and bruises...learning the hard way. Even going through trial and error thing. The sad realization is that there were more errors though than the right ones. Maybe because in life, though we cannot really plan things the way we want them, we eventually learn by mistake.. by wrong moves..wrong decisions. Most of my first lessons taught me a lot about life. They were all like big bloopers on a big screen. But then, perhaps if not for those mistakes, I will not learn from life.
Well, i guess it was not a mistake after all.
Finally I've found a breathing space after a long week exam. Whew! Ambilis ng panahon. Magsa-summer naman. Well, Lenten season is on the way, i hope to go for a quiet reflection in the province or just a quiet place to think things that I messed out and hope to change.
I miss myself..haha! kakaloka!for the first time, i miss myself?? Toinkz! Found myself kasi lately runnin' to and fro, trying to comply requirements in my evening class, parang for the first time, nakalimutan kong I breathe...na tao pala ako at di machine! Sana lang di pa ako isumpa ng mga kaibigan ko. Sigh!its been awhile that we haven't seen and talked. Kumusta na kaya sila?Will they still forgive my lapses? or the question would probably be,do i still have a space in them? I miss them...so much that i wanna tell them how i am lately. Arrhhgg!...naiyak tuloy ako...yayyks ayokong mag-emote this time... nubayan!;oP
I miss myself..haha! kakaloka!for the first time, i miss myself?? Toinkz! Found myself kasi lately runnin' to and fro, trying to comply requirements in my evening class, parang for the first time, nakalimutan kong I breathe...na tao pala ako at di machine! Sana lang di pa ako isumpa ng mga kaibigan ko. Sigh!its been awhile that we haven't seen and talked. Kumusta na kaya sila?Will they still forgive my lapses? or the question would probably be,do i still have a space in them? I miss them...so much that i wanna tell them how i am lately. Arrhhgg!...naiyak tuloy ako...yayyks ayokong mag-emote this time... nubayan!;oP
the dreamer...
sometimes we wish that life is just plain and simple
and then imagine...
a world without terrorism that kills innocents and dreams.
a government without corruption or greediness.
a religion or race without criticism
no gaps or boundaries between the rich and the poor
and all the things beyond.
sometimes we wish...i wish..and then i imagine
while half asleep
the serenity of hearts and minds
for you and me
for our people
our children
and our children's children.
"you may say i'm a dreamer..but i'm not the only one."
and then imagine...
a world without terrorism that kills innocents and dreams.
a government without corruption or greediness.
a religion or race without criticism
no gaps or boundaries between the rich and the poor
and all the things beyond.
sometimes we wish...i wish..and then i imagine
while half asleep
the serenity of hearts and minds
for you and me
for our people
our children
and our children's children.
"you may say i'm a dreamer..but i'm not the only one."
No longer a kid...
My nephews used to visit us in the house on weekends. One time, the eldest now in 6th grade asked for a money from my father. I saw my father then counted the coins on his palm and gave the five peso to my nephew. I was laughing really really hard when my nephew blurted out saying," Lo!Dako nako!Grade six nako! singko gihapon?!" And then he continued complaining saying, " Dapat minimum of 10 pesos na Lo oi! dili nagud ko bata!" nyahaha..
You know our young ones nowadays, they are more open and blunt but funny when they react over things. I don't know but I was really smiling to have realized how much wit does my nephew have grown to have lately.Well, just wanna share the funny conversation of a grandfather and a grandson. Perhaps my father forgot that his grandson is no longer the little boy he used to cuddle with some years have passed.
You know our young ones nowadays, they are more open and blunt but funny when they react over things. I don't know but I was really smiling to have realized how much wit does my nephew have grown to have lately.Well, just wanna share the funny conversation of a grandfather and a grandson. Perhaps my father forgot that his grandson is no longer the little boy he used to cuddle with some years have passed.
Shopping holiday info
Shopping is normal when there are events that we need to make lots of preparations. And of course, if we have budget intended for it!hehe! If you are an addict shopper and you cannot let just a single event or season pass by without any thought of having yourself or your loved ones a simple present, then for the first time, there's one shopping ads online that will get you satisfied and help you come up with the best products offered in town. Chances have knocked on your door in just a click away there's black friday info just right there to serve you. Oh yeah! you heard and read it right in here! There is actually a shopping Ads not on a green Friday , yellow Friday or red friday but a black Friday Ads for the black Friday. ;o)
Blackfriday.info will help you spend your money wisely in buying a present for your family and friends. Lent season is about to come and probably some of you might have already thought of going to a quite place for a very good reflection. Well, that's a good idea. I thought of same thing too. But I was kinda amazed when I heard about this black friday ads that will help you plan for a shopping during the holiday. This site will let you purchase Black Friday items online without the hassle of having to stand in line at the store. The site also offers email alerts that let you know when new black Friday ads have been posted. Products are especially offered during holidays or special occasions and so you will not be in the losing track to search for whats best for a certain occasion.
My good friend loves to shop so perhaps this one will help her to go and get on shopping that is stress-free and with just a click away. I know sometimes she would really complain after getting herself mixed into a crowd of shoppers in the mall. Black Friday Ads could help her ease her mind over the thought of driving to shop for any occasions. And so ever thought of shopping while just sitting comfortably in front of your computer screen? Then Black Friday Ads is right for you.

Blackfriday.info will help you spend your money wisely in buying a present for your family and friends. Lent season is about to come and probably some of you might have already thought of going to a quite place for a very good reflection. Well, that's a good idea. I thought of same thing too. But I was kinda amazed when I heard about this black friday ads that will help you plan for a shopping during the holiday. This site will let you purchase Black Friday items online without the hassle of having to stand in line at the store. The site also offers email alerts that let you know when new black Friday ads have been posted. Products are especially offered during holidays or special occasions and so you will not be in the losing track to search for whats best for a certain occasion.
My good friend loves to shop so perhaps this one will help her to go and get on shopping that is stress-free and with just a click away. I know sometimes she would really complain after getting herself mixed into a crowd of shoppers in the mall. Black Friday Ads could help her ease her mind over the thought of driving to shop for any occasions. And so ever thought of shopping while just sitting comfortably in front of your computer screen? Then Black Friday Ads is right for you.

On simple things...
As soon as I finished my college degree back then, I took all my nerves of enthusiasm to land a job right away. But to no avail, I found myself as if just doing promotional tour of submitting resume with my ever confident picture in it (hhehe!) to all companies that I would somehow fit. And then I would be back home really exhausted and frustrated.The thought of being jobless and parasite at home jam-packed in my mind as if taking away the self-esteem in me. It took awhile for me to realize that instead of feeling helpless I must make each moment of my day a moment worth remembering even when all I could do for the moment are all the routinary household chores back home.
Did you ever feel sick and tired of washing the dishes, scrubbing the floor, cleaning your toilet bowl, getting cobwebs and preparing meals each day? And that instead of feeling a sense of fulfillment for having done those stuff at home,you feel like these are the things more than you could just bear..the pride of being a graduate and yet not qualified for some job opportunities. Now it's time for you to take away that pride and find joy instead on simple things.
I do believe that if you see Jesus Christ on small things, then for sure it matters more than working in a corporate office but couldn't feel any sense of contentment, feeling tired for a hard-earned money. Sometimes, we have wrong connotation about things because we thought them more of a "work that requires great effort" than a "work that requires much love". Find joy and contentment in every little thing that you do without stepping unto someone else's shoe while acknowledging the presence of God and for sure, wherever you go and whatever you do "you are still you chartering your life in a better perspective". You will never ever get lost!
If you are a househelper, janitor, or a plain housewife and mother taking care of your children and husband each day, just realize that you are put in that instance because you can be great in that way. There is a purpose in every area of life. As I once read a very good book, ( I can no longer recall its name) that said, "we can't all be managers, there has to be maintainance to keep things in good shape." And true enough that life is in "balance". If only we see ourself doing worthy things for a worthy cause.
Online games
Can't believe how much our technology evolves in this present time.And that even the widest gambling business like casino online can already be found on cyberspace. But then the advantage it can serve may be beneficial to those who wanted to play without ever taking their time to go to the actual scene. No sweat at all right? Just one click and you'll get to find contentment without making an inch out from being with your family during spare times at home. Over the years, online businesses like this have been making its own move in the internet and so it seems to me that nothing has become impossible at all in the online world.
No more spending even wee hours for the casino players to spend outside inorder to search for a game feature that serves them best. It's now served in a much more spoonful chances of luck on your table and enjoy the play in as much as you can online. I remember an old friend's story that her father would really be home late especially during weekend spending much of his time at the Casino. And somehow, it's not healthy to think that instead of by just being there for your family during weekends, you would find yourself taking your time so lavishly away from your love ones outside just to tour around, look and play for the best casino game in the city. And so I guess it's a big plus for those who are into this kind of game to indulge into it online than letting it steal your precious moments being away from home and family.
No more spending even wee hours for the casino players to spend outside inorder to search for a game feature that serves them best. It's now served in a much more spoonful chances of luck on your table and enjoy the play in as much as you can online. I remember an old friend's story that her father would really be home late especially during weekend spending much of his time at the Casino. And somehow, it's not healthy to think that instead of by just being there for your family during weekends, you would find yourself taking your time so lavishly away from your love ones outside just to tour around, look and play for the best casino game in the city. And so I guess it's a big plus for those who are into this kind of game to indulge into it online than letting it steal your precious moments being away from home and family.

I should have given my piece of speech but I'm shy!hehe
Shine on bloggers!
Discount coupons for the season
I am thinking of where I will be going for a very good reflection on the coming Lenten season. Some say, that this is one most memorable event in the life of our Saviour Jesus Christ. But then other than do penance and reflection, it's also best to prepare and celebrate the next season to it which is the Easter season with much rejoicing like it's Christmas. And so I thought of something that I might give to my love ones as Easter Bunny will be hopping around our corners.

As I went to browse online I saw this CouponChief.com in the internet providing up to date coupons codes. Also they have this dell coupons that offer great deal of promotional discounts and target coupon with free shipping offer for minimum purchased items.
I thought of sending an item for a very good friend living in the States and so CouponChief.com might help me find gifts online.
As I went to browse online I saw this CouponChief.com in the internet providing up to date coupons codes. Also they have this dell coupons that offer great deal of promotional discounts and target coupon with free shipping offer for minimum purchased items.
I thought of sending an item for a very good friend living in the States and so CouponChief.com might help me find gifts online.

A battle in Edsa
I have vague memory and very little understanding about the first Edsa Revolution. That was year 1986, one memorable event in the Philippine history when the administration of Ferdinand Marcos was toppled down after allegations of widespread cheating in the 1986 presidential elections. And then, Pres. Corazon Aquino took over. I was only a gradeschooler during that time. But all I remember were the scenes I saw on national television... and that out of my innocent thought, I knew it was just like a battle between the good and the evil.
Now, I'm a grown up adult. Who would thought that from my vague memory of Edsa I, I would still be seeing in my present time the same battle! And this time, much clearer than a crystal ball.
When we say, Edsa Revolution, its the people who rule. But what is it that I see and hear on tv.? The military and police officers who are supposed to protect the people are now the ones who hurt the people during rallies! And the government that is supposed to learn from the two Edsa Revolutions hasn't learned, yet it just keeps repeating the same old rotten mistake!
Sigh! When our children would ask us adults what is going on around them, should we not tell them the truth about our country that might only frighten them? or must we just keep in our self the battle that we are going thru as adults for their minds are too young to understand things? How many Edsa revolution will I still be looking forward from this year on while the government leaders continue with their selfish motives? Until when will the people's fight against a corrupt leader end? These are questions where answers might be beyond grasp.
This is such a tiring issue, when there's much we can do to be productive individuals than go to Edsa to cry for a protest but we must take part...yes, we must make intervention, because this fight is no longer between the good and the evil. It's already our fight for our children's future. Citizens of this country , still hoping that one day we are no longer wanderer in our own native land. So, help us God.
A license to hurt
Being hurt doesn't give one the license to hurt the person back in as much as he/she wanted to. After all, we cannot call it genuine love. When we realized that we're cheated by our partner, the reaction would probably be, we'd wish he/she would feel the same amount of pain.
But when there's already forgiveness for each other's failures and lapses, and these two people still decided to keep the relationship, move on, mend what's been broken and make the relationship even a stronger one that can withstand the test of time, then they should hold on to fight against the circumstances.
Authentic love means authentic forgiveness, and forgiveness means forgetting the past hurts and start anew. But that's not what I see in one situation around me. Just because the girl hurt him once in the past, he would unearth past mistakes anytime he wanted to and get mad and feed in as much as spoonful of hurting, harsh, demeaning words to the girl until he gets satisfied and clear his ego. Make the girl appear as always the bad one. Which he actually thought that being hurt once before, now give him the license to hurt his partner at any given moment.
A part of authenticity in love and forgiveness is accepting the person, regardless of the mistakes he/she made in the past. It does not make any self-gratification because the "I" has always been faithful and good while the "you" was once unfaithful and bad. In other words, if there is truthfulness in one's love, there too must be truthfulness in one's words. Unless when these two people realize that they can no longer find way to mend their broken relationship and call it "quit". But then the case is, the guy wouldn't let go of the girl. He wants to hold on to the relationship and yet he's not making it an even stronger one.
How can there still be love existing in a relationship when one would keep on reminding his partner of the past? How can there be moving on and starting of a new one if one hasn't let go of the past hurts? "The thing here must probably be, until when can there still be respect for each other even when the " I " no longer have the "You". When you just have to keep your silence and then go. It's not easy though, but true love knows what's letting go."
But when there's already forgiveness for each other's failures and lapses, and these two people still decided to keep the relationship, move on, mend what's been broken and make the relationship even a stronger one that can withstand the test of time, then they should hold on to fight against the circumstances.
Authentic love means authentic forgiveness, and forgiveness means forgetting the past hurts and start anew. But that's not what I see in one situation around me. Just because the girl hurt him once in the past, he would unearth past mistakes anytime he wanted to and get mad and feed in as much as spoonful of hurting, harsh, demeaning words to the girl until he gets satisfied and clear his ego. Make the girl appear as always the bad one. Which he actually thought that being hurt once before, now give him the license to hurt his partner at any given moment.
A part of authenticity in love and forgiveness is accepting the person, regardless of the mistakes he/she made in the past. It does not make any self-gratification because the "I" has always been faithful and good while the "you" was once unfaithful and bad. In other words, if there is truthfulness in one's love, there too must be truthfulness in one's words. Unless when these two people realize that they can no longer find way to mend their broken relationship and call it "quit". But then the case is, the guy wouldn't let go of the girl. He wants to hold on to the relationship and yet he's not making it an even stronger one.
How can there still be love existing in a relationship when one would keep on reminding his partner of the past? How can there be moving on and starting of a new one if one hasn't let go of the past hurts? "The thing here must probably be, until when can there still be respect for each other even when the " I " no longer have the "You". When you just have to keep your silence and then go. It's not easy though, but true love knows what's letting go."
My Post Valentine Award..

Thank you Mari for this award..I am very honored!
(this is late though but I guess it's best to make everyday a valentine's day..)
(this is late though but I guess it's best to make everyday a valentine's day..)
Love gently as it comes and live gently as it goes...
"Clarity of mind means clarity of passion, too; this is why a great and clear mind loves ardently and sees distinctly what it loves." --by Blaise Pascal
We all have our own millions of definition about LoVE. But sometimes the way we define it is actually how we become bias with our own personal experience on it. If love goes so well in life, then love has many wonderful definitions. We can even become great poets!But the moment love hurts us the most, we have so much negative definition that love has caused. Somehow, I believe that we can only see love in a brighter and even fair perspective when "we know how to give love even until it hurts" and "when we can forgive love until love finds us in serenity within ourselves".
I've known a lot of people hooked with the thing called "love" ( ahh!what a great feeling!) and yet loses the love. Well for sure, I am no exemption of that. To some extent, I understand what it means to be falling in love. So I say," thanks to love for the memories.."
But the thing is, "when is love really love?". Is it when the moment we initially feel it and our impulsive nature tells us right away that this is the right feeling? or is it when we start to look within ourselves and think really really hard that is it really the right thing? As for me there is no other best definition of love than what "1 Corinthians 13" speaks out about the real essence of love. But human as we are, I understand that for some unexplainable reason, we cannot actually justify and even quantify love to such level. We are born weak and limited. And we can become victims of our feelings about love if we never stop being selfish about it. And we are like birds unable to flap our wings and still caged in because we thought of love as something we can have only because it feels great at the moment.
For those who are lucky to have found their true love, I say " do take care of it and nourish and nurture it even when the strong feeling of love has subsided...true love is tested by time and circumstances." And for those who haven't found they're true love yet, I say, " do not rush love, it will come at the right time, at the right moment, even when you no longer hope it will come...for true love finds its way to you and me..when it is right and unselfish."
**A Pre-valentine post***brought to you by ev
PayPerPost open doors
Get the blogging going with PayPerPost! When a very good friend of mine introduced PayPerPost to me, I was kind of hesitant to begin with. I have very little understanding on online marketing.I see virtual earning not in lined with my chosen career.My interest is far from advertising. But then as I see it along the way and as my friend keeps reminding me to start with my PayPerPost, I feel like telling myself a "Why not give it a try?" idea. There is nothing to lose anyway. Whether I have given my best own style in online marketing or not, it doesn't matter at all. The thing is, at least I give it a try. And so, out of the blue, I found myself reading what the PayPerPost can do to my spare time to make it into a quality time for blogging. And so I read carefully what PayPerPost really is. And it's amazing that in an instance and a click to the information its giving me, I finally thought now of making my first move to be one with the better bloggers who are now registered users of PayPerPost.
My friend who introduced this to me is probably right that being one with PayPerPost is like hitting two birds in one stone!You enjoy the blogging while you get some earnings. Hmm..this must be an interesting thought. The Blogosphere is not only a door for us giving our insights, purging some of the emotional dramas in life through journaling our feelings but its also a door that actually make the PayPerPost opens its endless doors of opportunity for bloggers to get paid while blogging. Well, I'll just have to keep my fingers cross. But hopefully I will have a good if not best venture in my blogging along with PayPerPost!
They Tag...
My sincere apology for all the tags that I wasn't able to answer..but finally this time I'm on an update..
From Gladyz...
Thanks for keeping this ball of friendship rolling tya... sure it will be kept forever, i miss you so..
Am rolling this ball to Krystyna, Ghee , Mommy Ann , Razzberry and Bes.
From Krys ....
Viral Linking...
Start copying here...
This link loving in 2008 came from Simone's Butterfly:
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!)It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially!
The benefits of Viral Linking:
- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!
- Increase your Google PageRank fast
- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site
- Build your community
- Make new friends!
Add your blog url here...The Strategist Notebook /Link Addiction/ Ardour of the Heart /When Life Becomes a Book /The Malaysian Life/ Yogatta.com/ What goes under the sun /Roshidan’s Cyber Station /Sasha says /Arts of Physics/ And the legend lives/ My View, My Life /A Simple Life /What Women REALLY Think /Not Much More Than This /Jayedee /Jenn /Beth/ Christie/ Marla /Cailin /Simone /FlipFlopMom Katrina /Gill's Jottings /Work of the Poet/ Wakela/Modern Day Goddess/Livin With MeAre /We There Yet?? /Everything And Nothing/The Diamond-drops Mansion / Staying Young..and Healthy / The Journey ../ You are next... Finish copying here.
Tagging this to Nancy , janice and Bes.
From Gladyz...
Thanks for keeping this ball of friendship rolling tya... sure it will be kept forever, i miss you so..

From Krys ....
Viral Linking...
Start copying here...
This link loving in 2008 came from Simone's Butterfly:
I have randomly selected 5 of you below to be tagged and I hope that you will similarly publish this post in your blog. You will have to tag 5 other bloggers and just keep adding on to the list. (Do not replace, just keep on adding! Yes we hope it will be a long list!)It’s real easy! Tag others and see your Technorati Authority increase exponentially!
The benefits of Viral Linking:
- One of the fastest ways to see your technorati authority explode!
- Increase your Google PageRank fast
- Attract large volume of new traffic to your site
- Build your community
- Make new friends!
Add your blog url here...The Strategist Notebook /Link Addiction/ Ardour of the Heart /When Life Becomes a Book /The Malaysian Life/ Yogatta.com/ What goes under the sun /Roshidan’s Cyber Station /Sasha says /Arts of Physics/ And the legend lives/ My View, My Life /A Simple Life /What Women REALLY Think /Not Much More Than This /Jayedee /Jenn /Beth/ Christie/ Marla /Cailin /Simone /FlipFlopMom Katrina /Gill's Jottings /Work of the Poet/ Wakela/Modern Day Goddess/Livin With MeAre /We There Yet?? /Everything And Nothing/The Diamond-drops Mansion / Staying Young..and Healthy / The Journey ../ You are next... Finish copying here.
Tagging this to Nancy , janice and Bes.
To my bestfriend Del
I know it's been awhile. So much have changed that we haven't got much time at all to talk and laugh about life and things. You have been my best friend since we were in senior high back in high school. And I want you to know that even when things are different now between us, you remain my male best friend ever! I will never forget the last time I sent you a note back in high school telling you that you're the brother I never had. But of course I love my siblings, but you could have completed it, the wonderful feeling of having another knight in you and whom I can laugh and share my emotion with. You who see the crazy thing in me and laugh a lot at me even when I am no longer joking.;0p I guess I really look a clown to you.
I miss you Del. I miss the way we laugh at things together and all the ways that made our friendship extraordinary. Since we went on separate ways after college and that we have to have a life of our own, I want you to know that nothing has changed the way I feel for our friendship. The last time I heard about you was that you are still in pain. After all those years that we haven't stopped and sit down to talk about what's new in each other's life, I never thought that you still carry that pain in your heart. I don't know if I can give you the best advice that a friend could give but just one thing,"Let go of her Del..". I know its hard, but that's the only way you can move on with your life. I have my own share of loses and pains too, even much harder than I could imagine... and so please don't ever think that I dont understand what you are going through. It's been years have passed and you already have a life of your own...and a wonderful wife.You don't deserve to be walking restless because you failed in that one aspect in your life. You have a strong connection with the Lord, I know that and so make use of it. Please don't ever think that I care less because I am often out of your reach. I still think of you and hoping that one day, we'd have our wonderful reunion with the rest of our friends in high school. I want you know that you are still one the best guys in the world for me. And I want you to be happy.Do take good care of yourself always.
I miss you Del. I miss the way we laugh at things together and all the ways that made our friendship extraordinary. Since we went on separate ways after college and that we have to have a life of our own, I want you to know that nothing has changed the way I feel for our friendship. The last time I heard about you was that you are still in pain. After all those years that we haven't stopped and sit down to talk about what's new in each other's life, I never thought that you still carry that pain in your heart. I don't know if I can give you the best advice that a friend could give but just one thing,"Let go of her Del..". I know its hard, but that's the only way you can move on with your life. I have my own share of loses and pains too, even much harder than I could imagine... and so please don't ever think that I dont understand what you are going through. It's been years have passed and you already have a life of your own...and a wonderful wife.You don't deserve to be walking restless because you failed in that one aspect in your life. You have a strong connection with the Lord, I know that and so make use of it. Please don't ever think that I care less because I am often out of your reach. I still think of you and hoping that one day, we'd have our wonderful reunion with the rest of our friends in high school. I want you know that you are still one the best guys in the world for me. And I want you to be happy.Do take good care of yourself always.
A leap ...
It all started from scratch. My first lesson to Chris was all about reading. When my only goal was for him to at least know how to read which is the very basic of education.The following year,his father asked me to have him learn more than his reading lesson by teaching him the basic survival skills.That time,in my mind was a big question mark on how can I ever fulfill that.I have no background on how to teach a special child esp. with regards to SPED or Special Education. And so I invented my own curriculum, made my very own unique lesson planning but still in my mind is a big question mark on how I can make things possible for Chris.
I have already shared here how tedious it has become for us the shoe-lacing session. His mood would really shift like already wanting to give up the entire tutorial session. It was tough. And I even cried out of empathy. If I were him, I wonder if I would react the same way or would I be violent because it's really hard!Sometimes I would forget that he is a special child that I would really impose him the responsibility to really learn the lesson and would even have my voice raised though unconsciously.I swear, there were couple of times when I felt quitting for I can no longer bear the thought of seeing him having a hard time on ordinary task. He has become a part of me. I have learned to understand and appreciate even more the gift of God to mankind which is love and concern for humanity through Chris. But still at the end of our struggle during the learning process, his smile, innocence and sweetness ease away my tension. Chris' simple gestures of kindness always makes me wanna go on and have the positive outlook even when things seem vague and clueless.
But I guess its really true that God make things beautiful, purposeful and fruitful in His time. After all the trying times that Chris and I hurdled together, I now see the fruit of this endeavor. Chris is now a learned individual. He can now go to malls and groceries by himself and buy the stuff that I would ask him to. At first, I was hesitant to let go of him in this very challenging task. But he has to learn. And learning for him means being able to do things his way without depending to other people- it is really a matter of survival.This is the most challenging job for me and a task for Chris because ever since he was a kid he was never out of his family's sight..when someone would always take a look of him wherever he goes. I swear my heart would beat so fast when it would take him longer to be back home when I would give him a task out in the field....but my prayer for his safety is firm. And I'm surprised to have realized that he'd been quick to learn this time. Aside from being able to go out alone, he can prepare his own food, he can count and identify better on money, he can already read sentences even better and most of all he can now tie his shoes almost perfectly.The school year is not yet finished but I am glad that he has almost finished my planned curriculum for him. Maybe by end of this school year,Chris can already have his back to school formal education...because I promised myself that he'll learn before I go into another new phase of my chosen career . Congrats Chris!!! You are always in my heart.
Truly, patience is a virtue. Not actually that of the patience I have for him but more importantly it's Chris patience to learn things for himself. And that in everything, just give your heart in all you do and God crowns your effort with a truly happy face of success!:0)
And so in our every journey...just keep going...for there is truly a promise waiting to come true.
I have already shared here how tedious it has become for us the shoe-lacing session. His mood would really shift like already wanting to give up the entire tutorial session. It was tough. And I even cried out of empathy. If I were him, I wonder if I would react the same way or would I be violent because it's really hard!Sometimes I would forget that he is a special child that I would really impose him the responsibility to really learn the lesson and would even have my voice raised though unconsciously.I swear, there were couple of times when I felt quitting for I can no longer bear the thought of seeing him having a hard time on ordinary task. He has become a part of me. I have learned to understand and appreciate even more the gift of God to mankind which is love and concern for humanity through Chris. But still at the end of our struggle during the learning process, his smile, innocence and sweetness ease away my tension. Chris' simple gestures of kindness always makes me wanna go on and have the positive outlook even when things seem vague and clueless.
But I guess its really true that God make things beautiful, purposeful and fruitful in His time. After all the trying times that Chris and I hurdled together, I now see the fruit of this endeavor. Chris is now a learned individual. He can now go to malls and groceries by himself and buy the stuff that I would ask him to. At first, I was hesitant to let go of him in this very challenging task. But he has to learn. And learning for him means being able to do things his way without depending to other people- it is really a matter of survival.This is the most challenging job for me and a task for Chris because ever since he was a kid he was never out of his family's sight..when someone would always take a look of him wherever he goes. I swear my heart would beat so fast when it would take him longer to be back home when I would give him a task out in the field....but my prayer for his safety is firm. And I'm surprised to have realized that he'd been quick to learn this time. Aside from being able to go out alone, he can prepare his own food, he can count and identify better on money, he can already read sentences even better and most of all he can now tie his shoes almost perfectly.The school year is not yet finished but I am glad that he has almost finished my planned curriculum for him. Maybe by end of this school year,Chris can already have his back to school formal education...because I promised myself that he'll learn before I go into another new phase of my chosen career . Congrats Chris!!! You are always in my heart.
Truly, patience is a virtue. Not actually that of the patience I have for him but more importantly it's Chris patience to learn things for himself. And that in everything, just give your heart in all you do and God crowns your effort with a truly happy face of success!:0)
And so in our every journey...just keep going...for there is truly a promise waiting to come true.
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