God bless our hearts' longings...
"Whether you choose one direction from the other,just go on.There will still be an answer for your quest in life in both opposite ends."
just a pat..

I haven't been this reflective in all the years that I've learned what it's like to go on out of a life where situations get high and then low. I think I want to THANK myself about being open to people and instances that are inevitable. And,oh yes, I am no exception to them, I could be one of them. Hence, this is not about me. I always remind myself that life is not just about me and the arrows that signal me where to go. Sometimes it's good when we forget about our own concern first and pause for a while to also notice how life's been treating others. They who simply need a listener, a pat on their back and a reminder that, "hey!it's OK." And it's worth the while. We all need to mellow to give way to what we might have missed hitting.
Humans are the most vulnerable creations in the world, the highest form of creations yet the weakest. And that no matter how much we thought of our selves as tough or winners in our own realm, still we come to a point when we need the surrendering and go back to that something tangible that keeps us going. You don't get all the answers in life. We only get to understand them because we are made to be patient like real winners to finally see what lies ahead and tell ourselves how we are in the making.
Slow down, however, persevere. That's what life is teaching me. And of course, learn to be happy. There are a lot of reasons to smile everybody. They are in the littlest of things. Some say, that's so easy to tell because life goes well for others. Yes, that is right. But the choice is ours to make. Will I start being happy now, or maybe later, when I get to my dreams?
Now, be like children at times. Be carefree..laugh,cry,dance,sing or play when you feel like. It makes you feel more human, yet, never lose that sensitivity.
Well, this is just one moment of contemplation when perhaps some people need a pat. Never fail to tell your self.."I'm OK." Yes, it helps...the mind does. :)

mats and canopies for a perfect trade show
Custom logo mats for indoor or outdoor use have their variety of purposes such as for commercial, welding safety, kitchen and drainage, floor protection in our homes ,and even an anti-fatigue mat. And to make your trade show a complete package, canopies and tents top it all. A logo canopy that is not just perfect for a product display, or trade fair but even during festivals or important outdoor gatherings. There are durable outdoor fade-resistant polyester and white powder coated steel pop-up frame for tents and canopies. Some you may customize where you can put graphic designs or easily adjustable canopies for any events or trade fair. Have your perfect trade show now for a more reasonable price!
career path
Few years had passed when I first heard a good friend affirming on the old cliche about "teaching as the noblest of all professions". I honestly did not grasp the thought that goes with it at that time. I have always believed that no profession is far greater than the other. All works require the hearts of us all. All being noble. As I hold true to what I believe, I thought I have fully understood what it means to be giving your heart in what you do. Venturing now into this new discovery about teaching as a profession, I then slowly realize what a good friend mentioned years ago and reflect what the present is showing me . It took me years to visualize that there is more to what I had very little anticipations.
The greatest challenge lies on the truth that a teacher does not only hone the minds of these individuals. Teachers don't simply teach and facilitate learning--- they affect lives. All come from different cultures, values ,and attitudes. And this is happening everyday as part of a teacher's lifestyle.
However, I always tell myself that I have no right to complain. This is the path I choose. If I've had serious regret, perhaps it's when there are some of us who do not understand what it means to be in the teaching profession.
Thanks for reading.:)
Get on with your scrubs
Enjoy all cotton scrubs at http://www.blueskyscrubs.com/categories/Scrubs/Scrubs-for-Women/. Have the luxury of free shopping online where shipping is very much possible around the globe. You may also avail special offers and get the cheap scrubs in town that come from the finest quality clothing.
Fashion statement does not only limit into wearing your most comfortable outfit during non-working days. You may still look fashionable even when you're in uniform at work.You'd be surprised how much styles can go so far these days especially for those who are in the medical profession. And that even at work you may still bring out the fashion in you.
i ponder..
if there is one thing i so miss about me, it's the joy i find in this humble domain..hope one day i can go back here and simply express the way i used to.
..one thing: i miss the people i know along the way..i know they've gone far, and am happy for them.
..be right back blogosphere!
just gathering enough strength to share my thoughts again. To God be the Glory!
Ev :O
Brain test

Most right-brained people like you are flexible in many realms of their lives. Whether picking up on the nuances of musical concerto, appreciating the subtle details in a work of art, or seeing the world from a different perspective, right-brained people are creative, imaginative, and attuned to their surroundings.
People probably see your thinking process as boundless, and that might translate to your physical surroundings as well. Some people think of you as messier than others. It's not that you're disorganized, it's just that you might use different systems to organize (by theme, by subject, by color). Straight alphabetization and rigidly ordered folders are not typical of right-brained behavior.
You are also more intuitive than many. When it comes to reading literature, you probably prefer creative writing or fiction over nonfiction. And when it comes to doing math, you might find you enjoy geometry more than other forms like algebra.
nice one..:)
happy weekend!
Hunting for fake Apple stores worldwide
The 27-year-old, who goes by the name "BirdAbroad", said her story about the fake store in the southwestern city of Kunming had attracted nearly 1 million hits over the past three days after it caught the imagination of the world's media.
A search on Google showed nearly 1,000 media outlets picked up the story and pictures of the fake store, with the topic one of the most talked-about subjects on Twitter and Chinese Internet sites.(SHANGHAI (Reuters)
more of the news
Too much tech is stressing us out...
• Devise a "not-to-do list." For instance, don't check email before 10 a.m. Attempt to set some limits.
• Accept the fact you can't respond to 500 emails a day. "A big part is getting over yourself". "You don't have a superhuman email checking ability."
• Learn moderation. Make a note of how many times a day you check your email, or how many times you scan your social networking sites, experts recommend. Realize when you have a problem, and make a practice of not being a slave to your devices.
more of the news
web host
Bloggers like me may have been thinking too of the scope that varies in the web hosting services. Many internet service providers may have limitless offers but of course we all want a much detailed yet up-to-date services. Well, we all may not be new technology and computer geniuses but we know so well which web hosting services do serve best and we can differentiate one very good web provider than the rest. I thought of considering a new web page provider that I think will be very beneficial for all who are in search of an internet service provider at its peek.
A wonderful weekend everyone!
generation x
Time flies so fast and seems to me that the ticking of the clock in this present time doubly runs than the yesteryears. Too much have changed and technology elevates without our notice. And most of all, values and traditions are slowly deteriorating. The sad thing is that, because of the sudden rise of the demands of technology, teens nowadays have grown to be even more experimental also brought about by strong peer influence. Influences not in the abode of good moral values but in the helmet of a devastating evil. I wonder how our future generation would appear to be if misguided teens would just be left overcrowding almost everywhere.
One time, I lost my internet connection and so I went to a nearby net cafe. Little did I notice that I am mixed with young ones playing online games. While I was oblivious to them finding them too preoccupied with the games, I couldn't help but notice how their hasty expressions while playing echoed on me like a big cacophony of an angry devil. They hailed, shouted, cursed like true devil's advocate! How would you feel hearing 7-15 yrs. old shouting "bu****t!" or "y***a"(satan's a.k.a in bisayan dialect) for a lot times? Whew! (nalisang ko kadali) Each shout was like a big-bang to my ears. Do the parents of these young ones know exactly what their children are doing outside?sigh!:(
Their irritating exchanged of cursing words made me felt like I was in Dante's Inferno not filled with winged angels but with horned devils. And then I started to wonder what strong implication does it bring to the generation of today. I left after awhile at the cafe with the hope and pray that I will not be hearing my future sons or daughters with demonic expressions as they'll be growing up one day.
Thanks for reading.
There were moments, honestly, in my profession when I wanted another career than think of how I might help or serve the youth of today. I tried applied for a different job, far from what I am at the moment. I almost got hired. On the second thought, maybe it was not what I should be going..because in the first place, this should be where I have to keep going. I could say that the hardest part of teaching young minds is the values formation. Because no matter how intellectual your student is, if he/she does not wear the right manner wherever he/she goes, still, that person will go back to a good-for-nothing individual. "It is not your IQ that gets you promoted to a job but its your EQ", as some say.
I love it when they come and seek for advice.But, ughh! oh, how I hate it when they fight! Sometimes, reprimanding can be very tiring. Sometimes I would say, "You see, I don't have a kid of my own, but how come I have so much of you in an instant!" Well, of course, that's part of my joke!haha! And so I'd say, when you make mistake against anybody, just humbly say, "I'm sorry." No need to explain or defend your side. An apology, if you are sincere enough, will remain an apology. And if you need to forgive someone, you don't have to say words that might only condemn that person asking for your forgiveness, you can simply accept that apology. No more, no less. That way, you two can still bridge a gap that no one else can.
Well, it's not that easy for an educator. To just say your words, wondering if your students have with them at least a piece of it once they go out of your classroom. But I can only hope.
Lastly, don't complain. This time, I'm talking to myself. Haha! My timetable-making is nearing.lol!
God bless everyone!
He's watching..
that He isn't watching. I just forget..
I am immersed in HIM."
i live in a third world country
What would you feel if you see your countrymen, though college graduates but prefer to work their butt abroad in exchange of their college diploma and that of a family that is supposed to be intact, only to sustain the need of their loved ones? Or of those who couldn't just finish schooling and opted to be in a flock of domestic helpers even become victims, if not of their rude employers, then of their greedy agencies? How about women posting sexy photos online to get the attention of another whorelike creature in the internet, who took advantage waiting at any moment to devour an innocent one, as an exchange for a convenient life? Would you be happy to hear foreign men, thinking of your fellowmen, scammers? misers?
All for money. Forget about the virtues which some say, cannot feed a hungry family. Let's forget about the moral lessons taught to us by our great grandparents and even those values instilled to us when we were in kinder. Let's forget about what our heroes in the past fought for because what matters in this present time is our pursuit to "survival". I see that as time ticks, I am in a place where there is a literal implication on the survival of the fittest. But still I say, "it is not a mistake" that we are here facing the ill-effect of the present time while others have what they want in an instant.
Well, perhaps for some,this not the be- all and end- all of what living is all about. Perhaps, you still enjoy how your neighbors greet you every morning with a smile that cost nothing but an assurance that seems to say, "hey, life is good!" on your way to work. Or see joy how others, in their old age, feel the love and care of their children every moment of the day while others sigh and neglect to feel. Much more to say, I, for the most part, am still in awe how my poor fellowmen find strength in their faith each time I see churches filled with vast of people..regardless of whether they seek to Him for personal desires or that for others.
Had we only deeply realized what we actually have to cultivate, plow, develop,or even change our selfish ways then perhaps, some people around the globe would just desire what this third world country has. If only...to a world that is already deeply scarred, we can only hope for a brighter future.
Thanks for reading.
online degrees
Amazing but it's so true. I see online degree programs in photography! Wow!I love photography. Just capturing the moment excites me. As for a thought of getting a degree online, I will just keep fingers cross but surely, this is very beneficial not only for the busy ones but even those who find it more comfy. If however, you need assistance in getting a degree thru Free Application For Federal Student Aid at www.fafsa.ed.gov. Start now and reach for your dreams!
web host
Bloggers like me may have been thinking too of the scope that varies in the web hosting services such in colocation. Many internet service providers may have limitless offers but of course we all want a much detailed yet up-to-date services. Well, some of us may not be new to technology and non computer geniuses but we know so well which web hosting services do serve best. We can differentiate one very good web provider than the rest, in a way. For your passion to online writing, it's high time to elevate your blogging journey with the best web hosting service provider available online.
coin collection
Guess this is seeing the lighter side of every story. Or could be what an old cliche says that when one door closes, another window opens. Well, for whatever this means, there are trends that weaken stocks and other paper investments and causes the price of gold as gold 401k, 401k gold, and to gold IRA transfer. These trends such as inflation, high oil and gas prices, even war, bank failures, or a budget deficit, and more to it will cause higher value to your coin collection. Start now and go for your dream!
pep talk
Another thing about her is that she always wants to look fashionable. Filled with excitement, she was closely looking at the nursing uniforms and scrubs and the nursing scrub tops on the computer screen as if imagining how she would look like and still in her own fashion statement even in uniform. I teased and asked, "You sure you really wanna be a nurse or you just like the scrubs?I can buy you one!?" She grinned. I remember her friend once said, "My cousin sometimes thinks like I do". Does it mean I am also as crazy as this young girl?" nahhh!:D
good credit
Found free credit and debt analysis online and thought this would help a friend and even all of us manage our balances. See also how credit scores work while analyzing your debt and take note this is for free!Hmm..will try this. To keep track of our debts from time to time so as not compromise our other expenses is a plus. My friend will love this.:)
Hahayy, parang may aftershock pa yata ako sa mga trahedyang nangyayari ngayon sa mundo.Sana ok lang si mareng ghee. i pray. Sa mga ganitong pagsubok, kapit lang talaga tayo kay God..no more no less. Normal lang talaga na makadama tayo ng takot bilang tao. At dapat na talaga akong matakot sa mga oras na 'to dahil di na matapos-tapos ang gawain ko sa dahil sa blog na 'to.:P
Hanggang sa muli.
T.C. Lai, "Chinese Couplets"
Thank God... I find true solace in this little contemplation.
Save energy and get comfy
I think one of the best things about purchasing online products such as ceiling fan, is that each detail is well-presented from frames, functions, packages, and up to learning about the latest design and features. But of course who says you can't bargain? Actually you can. They also offer great discounts especially during holidays. I go for energy-saving fan and found Hansen Wholesale Ceiling Fans offering this great deal. You too may be in one with me. Now, start thinking of your budget and find out who makes the best ceiling fans here!:)
the choice
Now, as I read and still try to digest Vickie Gill's "The Eleven Commandment of Good Teaching", I couldn't help give a thought of it and ask myself, " Do I really choose the right career path for me?". At times, it's making me feel so guilty to have started to ask myself about my choices in life and doubt if whether I follow the right trail or just like any one else, also lost in a forest because I don't give much attention to little pathways and choose to wander around instead. I only hope not. If so, it would then be tough to realize what I have manifested for being in charge of more than 30 students in a classroom when all of a sudden, someone yells and cries because one of my boys and girls are into a fight in my morning class. Or a struggle to deal another set of 40 students ,all with poor academic performances, in my afternoon class.These are the challenges that educators face everyday, both mentally and emotionally, yes, we have to be always in control. I say, " More patience, self!"lol!
And so I told myself, Gill's book will be a big help for a beginner like me. A beginner. Why does it seems like, I am always starting and have never moved on? Do I follow the wrong trail again? No. I always tell myself. As an educator, I must always have cravings for learning. There has to be an empty space in order for me to fill in sets of new ones. Just as Gill said, " I must be my own quality control". I must brace myself each day. Brace myself because I want to be happy and affect the same happiness to my learners. Well then, so much so that in life, there is actually so much that we can give to affect at least--one or two souls.
"You give but little when you give of your possessions. It is when you give of yourself that you truly give."~Khalil Gibran
Just blog like the old times. Thanks for reading!:)
Life, every day and every year that unfolds, teaches us one common end- to be in one with others and circumstances as we are with ourselves..to be gentle as much as possible, however, firm and strong when the situation calls. And though the lessons may be countless, still we come to ask ourselves- "how much have I become out it all? am I now a learned person than who I was back then? I am not actually good in assessing myself no matter how I try. I still get to falter even in my faith at times. The only perfect thing I always hold true is that~ He never leaves.
Well, what am I talking here, by the way?(lol!) I haven't done this contemplation in a while. Hope I make sense. ;p
ninamnam ko yata lahat ng bagay na masaya
pero ngayon
ngayon kolang yata gustong umiyak
kala ko tuloy-tuloy na
babalik rin pala ako sa'king dating emosyon
basta!gusto kolang umiyak sandali
lilipas din 'to..
"blogspot,pa-senti muna ha!
pramis, ngayon lang
ngingiti din ako uli bukas.
fashion scrubs
Enjoy 100 cotton scrubs or all cotton scrubs that are in store for you only at blueskyscrubs.com. Have the luxury of free shopping online where shipping is very much possible around the globe too. You may also avail special offers and get the cheapest designer's medical scrubs in town that come from the finest quality clothing. For medical practitioners, get your fashionable medical scrubs and make your own fashion statement now!