"Whether you choose one direction from the other,just go on.There will still be an answer for your quest in life in both opposite ends."
My top 10 most favorite posts..
Top 10. Ode to Papa- My father taught me a lot in life.I may not be his perfect daughter and he may not be my perfect dad but the things that we went through as father-daughter-relationship made me who i am now.True that we cannot choose our family,but given the chance to be borne again, i know deep in my heart that God perfectly gave me the father that will mold me a better individual in most challenging ways.
Top 9.10 Simple Pleasures That I Like Most- I've had hard times of telling that sometimes being an ordinary passerby in this world is not that easy. We all have our own unique stories to tell.To uncover myself here might still appear to be a play-safe answer for some. I am very private person, to be honest, but recounting the 10 simple pleasures i like most made me realize that these are actually the things about me, trying to simplify life in this complicated world.
Top 8. The Hourglass- that tells about you, me and the world.
Top 7. My open letter to Mr. X- to have fallen in love is not easy...there is always letting go and moving on. May not make us stronger the second time we stumble but at least it makes us a better person..because every experience is a lesson learned.( He is now happily married!;0)..trivia ha!hehe..) And I'm happy for him.
Top 6. Truth or Dare- Life is a series of choosing between truth or dare. To be continuously challenged by time and situations.And that apart from the rest, beyond the our sweet smiles and wondrous laughs, there lay the hard truth about going to or backing off.
( to be continued...( my remaining 5 most favorite posts..bitin!?)
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Want to send a personalized gift?
If you are looking for a more personalized gift ideas, beautiful Bedding fits right. Whether it’s Photo Blankets, Bedding, Pillows or even Dog Beds, Vision Bedding offers an amazing work of art on their craftsmanship and creativity thus by helping you preserve those unforgettable memories.
Here’s how it works? Choose the digital picture that suit best on your theme or idea, log on to Visionbedding.com and start designing your own pillows or blankets. It’s that easy, your own customized and personalized gift idea in 3 easy steps. The finished product will also be delivered right at your doorstep or to your loved one’s home. Isn’t that great?
The beddings are a combination of soft breathable celtic fiber and thread cotton on the bottom. Duvets are highly made with an invisible zipper for an easy use of the product and shams are of regular folding to allow ease of pillow removal.
If you want to see a sample, check out the website now and have a look on their huge display!
Blog and earn!
Isn't it a great idea? Be one with the advertising companies and share your opinion about their latest products online.
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1) You need to have a BLOG ( you can get a free one from blogger.com or from worpress.com and etc)
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2) Google page rank - To have at least 1 google page rank is fine. Google page rank depends on how popular and known your blog is, the range is from 1 as the lowest to 10 as the highest.
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If you think you meet the requirements above, log on now to smorty.com and earn($) in as much as you can depending on the number of entries you have posted. Just sit down for less an hour, share your ideas and be a virtual earner!
Ma'am, where you go?
I couldn't help but smile upon hearing the boy in his effort to speak such an almost perfect foreign language.The boy's broken English has registered in my mind up to this very moment. Must be an intelligent kid huh!At such a very young age, he should have been just home,enjoy watching tv., working on his assignment if ever he goes to school at daytime, or playing with his siblings and parents-- safe from the the unsuspecting threat of the night.
But sad to realize, this has been the usual scene that I see each night when I pass along Ilustre Street on my way home from work. Young boys whose age ranging from 7 to 10 yrs. old who help the people from that area get a taxi. They're the ones who hail a cab for them and get cents in return for such "customer service". Whether it's voluntary or out of dire need, still it's a child labor dilemma. And then again, I recall my encounter with the boy who was selling sampaguita along the drive-thru of McDonald's .
Sigh...we can only hypothesize to put the blame either over poverty or of parent's negligence in this case. I wonder what future there may be that holds for these children, but just hoping that fate will lead them unto a good luck and will not be part of the delinquents of this alarming society.
A cherry on top...
the artist...
Its been awhile that I buried my face into books since the last time I read the enchanting stories in "How They Met" by Joey Green, when my big boss at work gave it to me as a Christmas present. And so out of the hope to fill my empty mind , I grabbed another collection that I bought already a month ago as my classmate in graduate school handed it down to me, while we were fortunate to avail books on sale during the "kadayawan Festival" recently held here in Davao. I started reading Du Bois' "Darkwater". Here's an excerpt that goes...
" I believe in pride of race and lineage and self; in pride of lineage so great as to despise no man's father; in pride of race so chivalrous as neither to offer bastardy to the weak nor beg wedlock of the strong, knowing that men may be brothers in Christ, even though they may not be brothers-in-law. I believe in Liberty for all men; the space to stretch their arms and their souls, the right to breathe and the right to vote, the freedom to choose their friends, enjoy the sunshine, and ride on the railroads,uncursed by color; thinking, dreaming, working as they will in a kingdom of beauty and love."
Du Bois is an African-American, an artist and a real intellectual man so proud of his race. He was a civil rights leader who aimed to bring just and fight against discrimination and economic exploitation of the mostly wrongly interpreted black people of his time. And indeed he'd proven his lot.
..such an artist who aimed no more than his own glory but to his fellowmen. And that there is real victory in every one of us; a blood and a race worth fighting for.
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