I couldn't help but laughed really hard till I got teary-eyed the moment I read the lines written by one of my students in his creative portfolio, during our summer class 2008 program held in another city.

In his dedication, he was thanking his parents and their coconut tree that if not for the tree, he wouldn't be able to fulfill his project. He even mentioned the struggle he had to make to climb the coconut tree inorder to come up with this very creative project.
What made me laugh is the thought that I would see the young man's humor in his creative portfolio with the way he reacted on things and situations.
His wit and creativity helped me decide to give his work an "A+" grade. (just click photos for clear view)

I was really filled with much appreciation after I realized the kind of living that they have there in a so called provincial area. And surely the coconut trees that must have been surrounding their house really helped a lot!
With very less expense, he was able to make his project not only memorable to him but very inspiring to his readers.
Indeed, an old cliche makes sense that, "
poverty is not a hindrance to success."